Decentralized relational value marketplace

From: Réputaction

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The Reputaction marketplace is a Web-based application that makes visible the relational value of products and services, that is, if relatives of the potential buyer have contributed to the products or if these products are made in the country of origin of the potential buyer. The contributions are made directly by the users from their Facebook account so it is not possible for a manufacturer to add false contributions. The manufacturer still validates the contribution though. This information is certified with decentralized blockchain technology so without intermediary and even Reputaction cannot cheat. To the difference of initiatives such as Walmart IBM food trust, Reputaction relational value marketplace is open to anybody without big intermediaries forcing products prices to farmers and workers. Reputaction tokens based on a technology similar to Bitcoins make it possible to pay commissions and other services on the Reputaction platform. Contributors can earn tokens thanks to their contributions. The next step is to decentralize the Reputaction relational value marketplace thanks to certifying the contributions directly from the hardened crypto wallet, which is based on a patent-pending system.

These people have worked on this product

Jihoon Xavier Jean-Marc
											I'm taking care of Reputaction's contact point of Korean market. 
													Show blockchain certification details

Certification details on the NEO public blockchain

NEO Tracker

Blockchain informations source
Certifying transaction on the NEO public blockchain
ID of the transaction on NEO public blockchain
API record key of the undeletable certification on Reputaction smart contract on NEO public blockchain
20.06.2019 11:32
											Je suis le responsable technique et développeur de la plateforme en ligne / I'm the technical manager and developer of the online platform.
													Show blockchain certification details

Certification details on the NEO public blockchain

NEO Tracker

Blockchain informations source
Certifying transaction on the NEO public blockchain
ID of the transaction on NEO public blockchain
API record key of the undeletable certification on Reputaction smart contract on NEO public blockchain
20.06.2019 11:31
											Je suis le fondateur de Réputaction. / I'm the founder of Reputaction.
													Show blockchain certification details

Certification details on the NEO public blockchain

NEO Tracker

Blockchain informations source
Certifying transaction on the NEO public blockchain
ID of the transaction on NEO public blockchain
API record key of the undeletable certification on Reputaction smart contract on NEO public blockchain
20.06.2019 10:11

Protect your relatives jobs and yours by promoting the relational value of the products you work for thanks to Reputaction marketplace and earn commissions! Click here for more information.